Architecture and Politics in Africa: making, living and imagining identities through building is runner up in the African Studies Review Anthologies Prize, 2023.
The ASR’s awarding committee said:
‘This unique study excavates the emotional, cultural, and metaphysical ties between material structures and imagined futures to form a brilliant anthology on architecture in Africa in the modern age and current day. This is a highly sophisticated collection that carefully incorporates a large number of African countries into the study, as well as diverse range of structures and buildings to craft a highly creative discussion on the current state of architecture in Africa that reveals much about political coherence, social change, and economic hope. Its relevance for a wide range of African studies scholars, from development economists to art historians made this a strong candidate for the prize and why we awarded it the runner up.’
The book is edited by Joanne Tomkinson, Daniel Mulugeta and Julia Gallagher. It includes chapters from all the ASA team, the editors and ASA members Innocent Batsani-Ncube, Emmanuel Ofori-Sarpong and Kuukuwa Manful, alongside six further chapters from colleagues working on politics and architecture across the continent.
You can download the book for free here.